Friday, March 19, 2010


It seems on more than one count, CISCE is far superior to CBSE, but the Judge has stronger feelings for the 'expert board'. In fact needed aids like calculators should be allowed for all at that level ............
Instead the judge compelled Jain to face the risk of mis-calculation and mis-interpretation by the student supposed to be junior than him. There is a growing rejection and apathy against these seemingly 'normal' students with specific, severe neuro-Cognitive deficiency as opposed to normal defficiencies, which most people suffer from which are more manageble and less severe,(Mind and brain are two different aspects of study, to take a mental illness for which drugs have not yet been developed as trivial is childish!); moreover as the candidates themselves try to live honourable, 'normal' lives, which comes to limelight with an apex court giving it's mind, trying to futilise the awareness generated . The difference is that Rehabilitation, special training methods are more complex and the journey is longer, and more painful (usual identification on fact, in India is from allied syntoms like depression arising from dejection, frustration), there is no substantial cure known yet, except aiding cognitive chains is actually trying out and practicing (long practices for a long issue) chains from a n-series permutation, and that, the problems emerge occassionally with some structures,there is no Okaying of issues intriviality. What is remarkable however as opposed to low IQ, overall normal, or above average(better than) IQ people with certain talents and other difficulties(which give a poor reading/writing score) are dyslexic, 'lex' referrs to structure, like phrases, words, letters or other chains, failure to comprehend long chains, used widely in human language (eg. hindi/english/arithmetic) either in reading or listening . The key idea in such aids is encourage and bring out specific talents (I believe construing long sentences in a short period of time, sorry learning to..... is not the only show of the term talent) from such candidates, who are otherwise demotivated, because of obvious reasons. Just like scores in University Exams is least relevant for being a successful entreprenuer, Dyslexic people have made good stories. Yet rehab takes time, and pains, and is partial. And then, were usually from the elite, having a lot of resources at hand, midlle class and mediocre continued having a tuff time despite the intention to study would get fatigued. The idea was to expose them to experts so that they could be given a fair deal to know specific professional(including academic) talents could be stimulated and extracted, despite poor reading/writing/spelling/comprehension skills, and this could be done by individuals who had a large idea base, were the best at their energies, and were not attention seekers themselves, and could easily extract talents and communicate accordingly(example, ask the candidates to use short sentences, read and make them re-writ). Unfortunately even in elite institutions many individuals posess this traits and give serious threats to the dyslexic, and fail to understand that the problems is not in their syntoms, while there are, admittedly others, who have got this process going including some of my college teachers, who inspired me in this dimension, with ideas on learning and assessing. The rejection also arises as seeing dyslexia as a 'disease of the rich', since those who may not manage good education even when brilliant can hardly manage with any certification on these grounds. Thus Dylexia makes no heroic sentiments for our constitution framer, and help gruops are irked for their lack of involvement(not understanding!). What they the judge and the media may not be knowing that Dyslexia is usually categorised under different cognitive areas and there are other defficiencies, 'Specific LEARNING DEFFICIENCIES' to quote
IHBAS, (there can be other kinds of cognitive dis-orders alone like the ADSD which would need more support and dedicated educators) with lifetime problems which can be very severe. As with others, Dyslexia may be managed but only to moderate extents (has no cure) and the process is Rehabiliation, the candidate passes with decent marks, rather than cure, the candidate excells when he deserves or has an inclination...... Well in Cognitive psychology everyone seems to be an expert, (except the experts), exposing the mindlessness of the even the elite. In my experience, only the IIMs have done extensive research on cognitive defficiencies and group making, a group which has strengths united and weakness ruled out has undertaken premier study on and has framed premier policy on Dyslexia, if it be only for reasearch interest. The others continue to live indulged in a snense of self-guilt or misinformation behavariourial problems (remember, adolescence?) struggling with the pre-notions of the world. Why the hell, else go to court? Referring to CBSE as an expert is not merely beurocratic, it questions the interpretation of expertise what expertise other experts posess, and judges reluctance to interfere (Judicial exclusion, opposed to activism) into such commissions for unbiasedness and what the judge thinks on the issue. Being Judges from SC, I hope the bench fore-saw these points before passing a land-mark judgement, or as I believe ignored it. For their Honored considersation, I'd like to point out besides that popular movie, there are a lot of books written on the subject having a vast number of beautiful essays, that psychologists educationalists and parents use. Thank God, Sessions Judges don't refer to movies while referring to Facts! Or, we should have a number of molestation cases after Aitraaz. I speak in vein before a State where pattern of questioning, mishaps in exams go unchallenged, wherein question papers are not shown, where admissions are only on basis of marks/money/religion, a state whose people believe in cut-throat competition, in a state which has a few standing up for such issues for fear of sheer competion and a state which is reluctant to give full rights to the learning defficient. I saw this working other way round, students making fun of teachers making spelling mistakes or with speech defficincies, though they were quite talented and internationally referred.(If this is for the talented, just shirk to think about the raw deal the world metes out to the other more severe cognitive defficient, without understanding them,at least in Job, where boss doesnt understand the need to communicate properly with employes). More importantly shirking responsibilty for inputs that go in Education and Assessment (Just like accepting STDs socially would mean accepting the need for more information on better Sex Practices)! Neh, we need more human calculators than innovators.



Saturday, January 2, 2010


The intense scratching noise of a pen on paper......

Here a young boy calculates mechanicaly.

The scratching noise intensifies and gets intolerable unless it gets interrupted by a ringing phone................

Again! It goes on day and night..... a countries future is being re-written?

Its only the Secretary and PA's minister sahib is taking an afternoon nap,

Lest he looks Sleep depraved.

They are the elite of the executive the secretaries, and they are writing something long, very long.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hello I am Rajesh Nath, and I am here for people who know me. I am a specialist in Economics and have a teaching degree. I am interested in a vast range of Economic and Social issues, as well as teaching. My present Research interest in Identifying and Fullfilling psuedo-defficiences created in Indian Rural Education system, In an objective subject specific study----------------------